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Molecular Science

Preclinical Science

Clinical Science

Population Science


Conduct Science

Digital Logistics for low cost high quality scientific tools

Lowering the cost of science

Due to our distribution network, Conductscience has the ability to negotiate lower price deals for clients. Because our team is digital and distributed, we are able to operate at low cost and pass the savings on to customers. We don't do any sales prospecting to scientists. Scientists find us, and purchase at very low cost. Its that simple.

Maze Engineers

The next generation of mazes

Technologically Focused

Mazeengineers focuses on delivering the next generation of mazes.
We provide mazes across a spectrum of species, cognitive domains, and ease of use. Mazes are important tools for outcomes assessments in neuroscience; better tools means improved sensitivity and specificity of neuroscience experiments.


Good behavioral neuroscience means that exacting specifications are needed. Small nooks and cranies mean retained feces and urine or signals that significantly change the outcomes of behavioral experiments. MazeEngineers ensures exacting specifications in ways other behavioral apparatuses cannot match.


Digital Health Research Tools

Healthcare Focused

Qolty is a platform for scientists to learn about their patients through digital means. Instead of paper surveys, questionnaires can be delivered over the HIPAA compliant platform. Advanced technology focused data collection methods can be used, and researchers can keep and maintain their IP through unique Tech transfer methodologies

SOAP Benefits

We follow the SOAP acronym of benefits.
-Subjective surveys can be delivered
-Objective data such as FitBit, Scales, AICD Device data can be collected
- Advanced modules such as geofencing patients and heat mapping for education compliance
- Planning modules that help with SMART on FHIR Integration and monetization of digital health apps built on Qolty.

Simian Labs

Virtual Reality for Science

Patient Focused

Simian Labs is a data collection platform for patients using Virtual reality as the medium for science experiments. Simian labs provides a low cost data rich platform using cross modal technologies such as Oculus rift and Vive VR.

Cross Species

Cognitive testing, modifications of who/what/when/where/why/how are key components to the Simian Labs platform and allows researchers to replicate highly understood cognitive pathways from the preclinical literature. Unique scientific experiments to understand human outomes can be done on the Siman Labs platform, and researchers can translate their work to the market and replicate it to other labs via the InventionUp platform.


API for Medical Terminology


Patients often get educational materials from physicians during their care to understand the hospital or ER stay. Doctorlingo attempts to take the next step: by creating a crowd sourced "Urban Dictionary" of terminology and linking it to a JSON API, medical records can be directly translated to easy to understand english from complex Doctor Lingo. With the path of progress moving towards Open patient records, the Doctorlingo platform positions itself as a key tool for utilization of healthcare records for both research and patient education.


Marketplace for Standard IP Tech Transfer contracts

Scientific & Academic Benefits

All of the ConductScience platforms rely on a key premise: Science done by Scientists should remain the property and invention of Scientists. InventionUp helps Scientists take the headache out of Technology Transfer. Our standard contracts that have undergone thorough legal review make it easy for Scientists to create protections on their technology and license it to entrepreneurs who can monetize their inventions and profit share with Scientists. this creates a significant net benefit for society by unlocking technology innovated through public research funding.

Drone Hypothesis

Drones for Science

Population data collection and transportation

Drone Hypothesis seeks to build tools for scientists to collect data using Drones from the market. As the market emerges with better, cheaper, and faster options, scientists will undoubtedly use these tools for human population data collection.


Matching Suppliers to Scientists

Intelligent Scientific Methodology Analytics

ScienceN helps suppliers find the scientists that need their products at the right price, right time, and right use. Understanding detailed experimental timelines as well as grant funding means that ScienceN matches suppliers to the scientists who need them, improving science for all.